Holiday Shipping
As you can see from Our F.A.Q. page I ship all items (except ones listed with the patience needed icon ) via first class mail with the United States Postal Service from California, USA. So let's dive in with Mail and ship by dates for Christmas. All first class mail must be ordered by December 10th to arrive before the 25th.
The contiguous United States to arrive before the 25th of December.
Mail Services Offered |
December 10th | |
December 15th |
Alaska and Hawaii to arrive before the 25th of December:
Mail Services Offered |
December 10th | |
First-Class Mail Alaska | December 10th | |
Priority Mail Alaska/Hawaii | December 10th |
International mail to arrive before the 25th of December:
Mail Services Offered
Canada | December 6th | |
Europe | December 6th | |
Mexico | December 6th | |
Asia/ Pacific Rrim | December 6th | |
Australia/ New Zealand | December 6th | |
Central/ South America | November 29th |
- We are not responsible for delayed shipping to international locations.
- Sometimes tracking has not been updated, even when a package is sitting at the post office.
- You can be sure your order has been dropped off because I personally hand deliver all my packages to USPS myself. Please be patient as the post office doesn't always scan all items the second they receive them.
- COVID UPDATE: Currently, as you are aware, packages are taking a little bit more time to reach their destinations as COVID-19 has affected USPS workers across the United States. I ask that we give the post office some grace as they are working their buns off to get your package to you.
- Please also note some packages do not get scanned in even when they are dropped off. If this is your case, please wait 5-7 days and if you have not received your item, you can contact me via email:

All Patience Needed items ship from 3rd parties and will need to be ordered by November 8th to arrive by Christmas. Please note I cannot guarantee shipping on these items, as I don't handle them myself. As noted in this blog post, these items ship directly from a partner brand to you.
The contiguous United States to arrive before the 25th of December.
Mail Services Offered
Patience Needed items (shipping type up to partner, generally 4-6 weeks)
November 8th |